Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Let's get this party started...

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  Election time.  Tonight is the first presidential debate between incumbent Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.  The topic is domestic policy, so it is likely that many of your hotbed topics will be discussed.  While watching the debate tonight, consider and comment on a few of the following:

What are some of the prominent economic issues at hand?  To what extent does each candidate talk about the source/cause of an economic problem?  Do they offer a solution?  Is it convincing/plausible?

Are there any social issues on the table?  (i.e. abortion, health care, gay marriage, etc.)  How does each candidate offer a vision to how these social debates should be resolved?

And here's the kicker (I totally recognize that we will NOT be in agreement with each other on this one, and that's okay).

Which candidate was more convincing?  Which appeared to be offering facts and details rather than soundbites?  


  1. I think that the most talked about economic problem was Jobs. Romney and Obama put forth their ideas for taking care of the job situation, but i think that Romney's plan makes more sense. it does to me because he talked about his 5 point plan to get the economy back up to speed. healthcare was talked about and the way each Candidate tackled the topic is interesting. Obama insisted that Obamacare was the way to go, but Romney thinks that the Obamacare is hurting the Middle class and everyone who being told what operations they can and can not get. Romeny also said that he would put into place a plan where the younger generations would have to be open to and wouldn't fight over if we want this country to grow. And lastly, i thought Romney won this debate because of his confidence in all of his answers and and the use of so many numbers. Obama seemed a little unprepared and not ready for the onslaught of ideas that Romney put forth. it was also interesting to see the Moderator getting bullied by both candidates, throughout the whole thing i was like give the man time to talk lol. But in my opinion, Romney came out swinging and won the 1st round.

  2. I thought that Mitt Romney won this debate because he was clearer and hit the points where Obama is weakest. He brought up over and over again the 716 billion that is 'being taken out of medicare'. That money is extending the life of medicare not disappearing as Romney implied. Romney also ignored how he was going to pay for his tax cuts, which he lied about. I was surprised that Mitt Romney took that long to bring up Reagan. Mitt Romney lied frequently during this debate. Many of the points that he said that he agreed with during the debate he, and his party, have frequently voted against and very vocally disagreed with in the past. In the debate etiquette and likability President Obama was the clear winner, however both talked over each other and the moderator. Romney did misspeak several time the most notable being when he muttered 'go right over my statement' under his breath when Obama spoke over Romney trying to speak over him. None of the important social issues were brought up and I found that very frustrating. Overall I thought that the debate was poorly conducted and disappointing on both candidates part with Romney coming out ahead by a very small margin.

  3. I was only able to watch the last 20 minutes or so of the debate, and from that I found Mitt Romney to be the more fluent speaker. Obama tended to hesitate when making a point, while Romney clearly had all his facts and figures well rehearsed. I thought Obama did well to counter Romney when he said that Romney will have a "busy first day" of taking away Obamacare, and then sitting down with all the democrats that support Obamacare. This I thought was good on Obama's part, but over all I believe that Romney had the clearer and more factual arguments.

  4. The first topic discussed in the debate was economic issues, more specifically, jobs. The first opening words were from Obama, where he explained how he would set forth new sources of energy, a new economic patriotism, an improved education system. I may have missed some other plans he had, because his opening statement was not as easy to understand as Romney's. Romney named 5 steps, without hesitating, and didn't need the 2 minutes to get his point across. Although both candidates made fair proposals, I found Romney to be more convincing. I thought Obama's strongest part of the argument was when he said to Romney that he'd have a "busy first day", but Romney had several instances where he presented Obama with statistics which did not favor Obama's plan. Obama also presented statistics supporting his ideas, but not as many as Romney, or with the extreme confidence that Romney had.

  5. I find it very hard to form my opinions in politics, so I have to admit that watching and analyzing the arguments of the debate was a little hard for me. The one thing I did notice was that although Romney was aggressive with his points about the economy, he never stated any sources/causes of these issues. At least calm and collected Obama mentioned that the recession was caused by 2 wars, 2 tax cuts, and too many programs that were not paid for. He went on in explaining that reckless behavior in banks, credit agencies, loan officers, etc also added to government debt. I think the only way to solve problems is to address the issues and determine what has caused them. I am siding with Obama on this one because even though Romney seemed like the more enthusiastic, aggressive debater in the outside, his points when analyzed do not hold much strength. Throughout the entire debate I found that Obama supported his point with much more historical evidence, studies, numbers, etc. Romney used more "emotional" stories that may have connected with the average listener, but when my job is to analyze the arguments, this does not hold any ground in a debate.

  6. In my eyes, Mitt Romney walked away with the debate, simply in the specifics and demeanor. It was obvious that Mitt Romney was being aggressive, and Barack Obama was aiming his discussions as counter-statements at best, and was not attacking Mitt Romney. The prominent economic issues were healthcare, social security, and job reform. Mitt Romney openly attacked the plans of Barack Obama, showing statistics of what funds are being wasted or spent unwisely. Both candidates brought up social issues like education, environmental energy projects, and healthcare. Barack Obama wants universal, government mandated healthcare to provide healthcare to those who previously couldn't have any. Mitt Romney's solution is to let the people decide who to get insurance from, and not let the government stay with a stranglehold over Americans' lives. The middle class seemed to be a big issue, but Barack Obama did not capitalize on some chances to attack Mitt Romney, by using some of his quotes that talked poorly about "the 47% who feel that they are entitled to food, housing, healthcare, etc." At the end of the day, Mitt Romney came into the debate looking to jump ahead in the polls, and Barack Obama just wanted to stay exactly where he was.

  7. The topic that I think was more prominent was taxes. Democrats and Republicans naturally have mu h different views on who they should tax and why. Barack Obama believes that cutting taxes will get us out of the depression, and Mitt Romney believes that keeping taxes will. Barack Obama was really left for criticism and bash as any president would at this time. Mitt spent the whole debate criticizing Obama and Obama's past decisions, as anyone would at this time. No real social issues came to debate, I believe Obama will win these debates. I also believe that Obama didn't do a good job of criticizing Romneys plans. As the debate continues, I expect to see Obama become much more defense and offense.

  8. It was interesting. Jobs, and medicare seemed to be the hot topics so-to-speak of this debate. With a nice seasoning of education, energy and alternative energy. While superficially Romney was clearly more confident, aggressive, and clear with his ideas. But its here that i run into some problems, very specifically with Romney. This is also where i looked deeper to notice that Romney didn't have the unanimous victory everyone has claimed. Yes his performance shot miles ahead of Obama, but Romney's ideals crumbled at the seems. He lied about supporting not once but several times about ideas and processes he either had condemned or not supported earlier in his campaign. He even switched his position on some of his points mid debate. Overall i would say that Romney won based on performance and delivery but Obama's ideas still held their ground thanks to their consistency.

    On a side note. I noticed at one point where Romney mentioned strengthening the Military and implying that we keep fighting in the middle east which Obama specifically said we would end. The reaction of Male and Female undecided voters on CNN disgusted me, everyone especially the men loved that comment, yet when Obama said his comment no one reacted. What does this say about us as a country or even as a people? And it amazes me that we wonder why we've been digging our own grave.

  9. I was able to watch the majority of the debate and I found it very interesting. There was a lot to talk about and there was a limited time. I found that there was a ton to talk about with the economy and health care. Each party had very good points but I found that Mitt Romney won this debate. I think this because Mitt talked a lot about the problems Obama made and everything he did wrong. And though I don't think it's correct to do this, the audience will only agree.
    I also liked how Romney mentioned multiple times how his plan is meant for the future. He said Obama wasn't paying attention to our young and Romney was quite opposite. And I think for this reason, Romney may win the votes of parents who have children.

  10. It's no surprise that the debate was pretty much singularly focused on the economy. The sad thing about this election is that Romney is somehow managing to run campaign without any policy. He keeps on mentioning a tax plan that doesn't exist. Obama's performance was disappointing, but I think he deserves a pass because not only has he not had a live debate in four years while Romney has had multiple, but also he had to make sure to not be too aggressive in order to maintain his favorability lead.

  11. I watched the most part of the video, and i found that the economy seems to be the dominate factor for the election. Also, Mitt Romney looks more confidence and aggressive during the debate. All of Romney's theory are based on the hypotheses and his so called"reduce
    tax and putting more money into the progressive program at the same time", the thing that make his saying convincing is his offensive tone and tough republican style. Through the whole debate, i think Romney did a better job just for the debate itself even Obama seems to be more credible and retrospect back to the history and more calm.
