Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The more things change, the more they stay the same

It is difficult to study history in any election year without drawing some comparisons to the present-day.  In 2012, however, some of the elements of the current election seem eerily familiar to the 1860 contest.  What similarities do you notice?  Do what extent are the modern day Republicans "afraid" as  the southern Democrats were in 1860?

Last but not least: What questions would you like to address with tomorrow's debaters?


  1. I can see a similarity in which republicans see democrats a threats to this nation just at southern politicians saw Lincoln as a threat to their nation of 1860. There are many problems (such as Jobs) that the two parties see very differently and have plans to take them on in the next four years. Lincoln had a plan to get the south under control and even though the country probably wont go into civil war over the job crisis or how medicare and obamacare help or hurt the nation, the fact that we have very real problems that affect everyday people is a huge similarity between this election and the election of 1860.

    A question i would like to adress the debaters with is: how does each party want to adress recent attacks in Liba? what actions should the U.S take and what needs to happen to make sure this kind of terrorist attack doesn't happen again?

  2. Similarities include the fat that both election were at crucial time periods for the history and future of the UNited States. Right now the economy is in a crisis and whoever gets elected will determine its curse for the future. This is similar to the way the election was with Lincoln. whoever got elected would dictate the way the country was going to solve north vs. south disputes. I think maybe the republicans are scared because they are afraid of the growing democrat power. These days it seems like political parties are just out to beat the other. So maybe the republicans (similar to southern democrats) just want to see themselves in power and are scared the other party is going to win again.

    1. How should the United States deal with foreign policy? Should we continue to focus on other countries or shift gears to focus on our own?
    2. What is your view on keep or removing troops in the Middle East?

  3. It is starting to become very clear why the South wanted to secede. Today, American politics are hyper partisan and at its core, this partisanship stems for the most part from the wide socioeconomic spectrum we have in America and how different the American experience can be for each individual. These different experiences often lead to varying opinions, which makes for different ideas on how the country should look 50 years down the road. During the Lincoln election, we saw the same factors that drive partisanship today, replaced by geographical allegiances that were much stronger than the national ones. Many political parties found themselves divided between their northern and southern members. But the political battle that was waged in 1860's has the same goal as the one that is going on today, it's between two different sides who both want America to be prosperous, but have completely different plans on achieving it. Modern Republicans are deathly afraid of the socialist, welfare state that they think Obama will turn it into with four more years. Similarly, Southern Democrats are extremely worried that Lincoln will end their way of life if elected, which did happen.
