Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last blog before break....

Let's make this one a free-for-all.  Write about anything we have discussed over the past week--Nazification, the movie, Hitler's rise, anything.  Give me a paragraph.  :)


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  2. Well, i would like to talk about the because this movie provides a bilateral perspective, the Jewish kid that somehow lucky enough to be a witness of the Nazification and Hitler's rise as a member of both Nazis and Jewish crew. Most WW2 films i have seen like , they all put lenses toward the bitterness and suffrage that jewish people have been through, yet the illustrates some senses within the Nazi, how kids with pure blood were educated and brain washed with extreme twisted so called nationalism and radical hostility towards a certain group of people. Just like Mitch mentioned during the class today, its amazing to see that how those innocent children are able to develop such a strong sense of abominate and be willing to kill based on racial stereotype.
    The film reminds me about the scary potential impact of education, how children are asked to wear either Nazi or Soviet uniform and get manipulated like a puppet by those monopolies behind the sense like a big shadow. I found the sense that those kids are wearing a red tie and been told how wonderful the communism is, simply because we still do that in china.

  3. Although I was not in class today, I found the part of the movie I was able to see to be quite interesting. As Andy mentioned, it demonstrated a "bilateral perspective"; not only did it illustrate the Jewish struggle, but it clearly showed the Nazi Party in action. When at first I heard the movie was not in English, I immediately thought I would not be able to maintain attention. However, the plot of the movie overrode its language. In fact, the German/Russian words added to the movie's overall gist. I'm sure when our reading moves later into WWII, as this movie is more focused on Hitler's dictatorship rather than his rise, it will be even better understood.

  4. I love the fact that the movie involved history and I was interested in it. I think the movie had the message that you should stay true to who you are. This movie showed how brainwashed the youth was and how much power Hitler had. I wasn't aware that people pledge to Hitler when they approached eachother. The subtitles actually didn't bore me. I am interested in watching more movies that show the reality and cruelness of this time. I still struggle to comprehend how one person can make an entire country evil. It was like a contagious disease was being spread around.

  5. This movie was very different from other movies set around this time period and on the same topic. It was a very personal account of one person's struggle. It did not go on about the rise of Hitler, but it expected that you already knew this information.
    It gave great insight to what it was really like in Hitler Youth, and how people can turn their back on you so quickly. It also showed just how crooked and wrong the Nazis were about the dominant race. This was shown when Jupp was told in the class that he was of fine Aryan descent despite being a Jew.

  6. I just think that this whole unit is so fascinating mainly because I can never imagine it even happening. The fact that all of the violence, prejudice, an vehement anger existed throughout an entire nation just seems so absurd, like how can that even happen? All of this happened a fairly short time ago and it is crazy to think that people actually lived through this time period. Just imagine being the boy in that movie being only 13 years old and having to leave your entire family, lie about your entire life, fight in a war, watch people get shot, etc, etc, etc. And it isn't like the movie was based on completely fictional events, those things actually happened. We always say that history is doomed to repeat itself, so I think that it is extremely important that we study this so that nothing like this ever happens again.

  7. Like my other classmates said, I really liked this movie in particular because it was so different from anything we have seen from the time period. It not only showed the struggle millions of Jewish families had, but also the nazis "in action" and a bit about Russia too. I found it very Interesting to finally find out that this was a first hand account who this story was based off of. There are so many aspects that this movie captured that no other movie about the nazis would have. For instance, about hitlers youth, before this movie, I was hardly educated on it. This movie perfectly depicted how hitler would brain wash them into becoming a nazi at such a young age.

  8. Hitler was one of greatest and most infamous leader of the 20th century and even in recorded history. He used his knowledge of the German legal system and exploited the low self-esteem and vulnerability of the Germany people after WW1. Many people regard Hitler as the most evil perso to ever walk this planet, but before the war the world saw him as a rising power, he was even named time magazines person of the year. His extensive knowledge and passion led him to become of the greatest and infamous leaders in world history. His plans were direct and to the point. He knew what he wanted and he mobilized the German people in order to achieve his ultimate goal of world domination. if one or two battles hadn't gone they way they did for the allies then we would be speaking germain and i would be in the Hitler youth right now.

  9. I thought the movie was fascinating, it was even cooler that it was a true story! I thought the HItler youth and his girlfriend Lenni in particular were very interesting. I mean, when the war is over, where does all their anger go? their fuhrer is dead. even the women that slept with Yup on the train did it because he had the same birthday and the same hair and was attractive. And all the nazi symbols that were everywhere have to be covered up. I'd be very interested to learn about after nazi germany when the war is over. I knw only a little about the Berlin wall but the entire country must have been devastated. Where do that people living in the gettos go? they are already in germany, just blocked off, would they stay in germany because they have no family elsewhere?

  10. What I liked about the movie was that no matter if Jupp/Solek was jewish or not, he was pulled into the nazi mass movement just as well. As the others, although he knew about all those horrible things they did, there were definetly some moments when he experienced a feeling of comradeship especially within the HJ. This showed why so many of the teenagers felt as if they were in the right place. It also describes the fear of those who were too afraid to say something against the movement. In the scene were he and the other polnish or russians got checked their papers and right around the corner they were shooting the jews, everybody would have sai Hell Yea, I am german too. One would think that Jupp would have admitted that he is a jew after seeing his mother in the ghetto, at least to be with her and his family, but fact is, everybody tried to keep himself save somehow.

  11. I really enjoyed the movie. The scene were Jupp is called to the front of the class and his German blood is authenticated was fantastic and was telling of how blindly people hated others just because they thought they were supposed to. Hitler was an unbelievable person and one of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen. The cult of personality that he formed and how in tune he was with what the people want is something to marvel at.

  12. I loved the unique point of view of the movie we watched in class. It had a great atmosphere to it (especially with the unintentional music). Also learning about just how, well ingenious Hitler as a leader was, although it's impossible to doubt he malevolent actions of Hitler with use of his power but it is equally impossible to deny his complete understanding of how to completely manipulate not only our legal systems but also warping human nature to have unprecedented levels hate toward a particular group without much if any to reason to justify it. Learning about the fall of the S.A. and rise of the S.S. as well as how Hitler even used violence to gain ridiculous power in such a short amount of time, a big part of this was the "Long Knives" event.

  13. I think the most prominent thing that I have learned from this section is that people are easily manipulated. Hitler was a great leader, and had a way of speaking that is comparable to no leader to this date. He had the ability to get up infront of thousands of people and influence then to do what he wanted, even if it was genocide. The people of Germany thought of Hitler as a good leader who was in it for the benifit of Germany. The nazi soldiers looked at them as their God, praising Hitler every time they walked into a room. Hitler was able to do anything inside the confines of Germany, so long as he had the whole military behind him, which of course he did. He wanted the Jews out of the way, and sparked his anti semitisn into the minds of everyone else. This universal hate in Germany swung everyone to blindly follow him, and his God like figure was praised throughout Germany.

  14. The most surprising aspect of the "Europa Europa," was that no matter the situation Jupp found himself in, he was more or less always able to find a sympathizer, who understands his plight. If it were not for these fortunate encounters, he would have died in nearly every situation he found himself in. This is a testament to how the German people were still different, even under the rule of Adolf Hitler. No matter what the governmental situation, there will always be good people. Aside from the direct message of Jupp's plight, the movie was about the different ways in which people can help each other out, even when surrounded by terrible circumstance. It was a good movie.
